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UV Event Lighting

Since 2015, Absolute Events have been offering Ultraviolet (UV) lighting services, setting us apart in the events industry.

Collaborating with businesses nationwide, we illuminate their advertisements by supplying the essential UV lights and fixtures. This transforms hand-painted walls into captivating night time displays that draw the eye.

One of the remarkable aspects of UV lighting is its ability to make certain materials fluoresce or glow in the dark. For instance, UV-reactive paints or coatings on the building's surface can emit vivid, radiant colours when exposed to UV light. 

This effect can be used to create intricate, dynamic, and ever-changing displays that leave a lasting impression.

Overall, UV lighting on the side of a building transforms the night time landscape, adding a touch of magic and uniqueness to the urban environment. It's a powerful tool for businesses and artists alike, allowing them to convey messages, evoke emotions, and enhance the aesthetics of their surroundings in a truly distinctive way.

A couple of people are standing in front of a large mural on the side of a building. There is a mural on the side of a building that is illuminated by Absolute Events with UV light
There is a mural on the side of a building that is illuminated  Absolute Events with UV light
A large billboard with a picture of a group of people on it, UV lighting supplied by Absolute Events
A blue building with a painting of a woman making a heart with her hands and the words sky on it, that is illuminated by Absolute Events with UV light
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